Key Differences of Lorry Types and What They Should be Used For

Lorry Trucks at a parking lot

You may already know that the lorry is a type of truck or heavy vehicle that is usually used for transporting goods and materials. And driving one requires training and a specific license due to it being a specialist skill.

There are many different types of lorries which can be classified by the type of cargo they carry, the number of axles, and their weight. From small rigid trucks to huge articulated lorries, these vehicles are integral to the shipping, logistics, and transport industries.

In this article, we will explore the different types of lorries along with their specific usage in Singapore.

Lorry Type and Usage

There are 4 main types of goods vehicles according to the Land Transport Authority (LTA):

  1. Light Goods Vehicles (LGVs) – Vehicles with maximum laden weight (MLW) of up to 3,500kg.
  2. Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) – Vehicles with MLW from 3,501kg to 16,000kg
  3. Very Heavy Goods Vehicles (VHGVs) – Vehicles with MLW of more than 16,000kg.
  4. Goods-cum-Passenger Vehicles (GPVs) – Vehicles with MLW of up to 5,000kg and can be classified as LGVs or HGVs based on their MLW.

Certain restrictions apply to driving some types of commercial vehicles in Singapore. However, there is none for LGVs.

Goods-cum-Passenger Vehicles (GPVs)

GPVs are vehicles meant to transport both goods and passengers as they can have a maximum laden weight of up to 5,000kg. Depending on their MLW, GPVs can be LGVs or HGVs.

That said, vehicles like vans, buses, or lorries can be considered as GPVs as long as it comes with proper seats, seat belts, and matches the permitted MLW.

In some cases, GPVs are used to transport a small number of goods, be it for home relocation or office furnishing purposes. You can even haul a bicycle or motorcycle in the back.

Light Goods Vehicles (LGVs)

Different from GPVs, LGVs are vehicles with MLW of up to 3,500kg, which is meant to transport goods or carry a number of passengers with a seating capacity of 15 people.

The number plate for LGVs usually begins with the G or GB prefix. They can also be identified via the information displayed on both sides of the vehicle that includes:

  • Name of the registered vehicle owner
  • Business registered address
  • Business registration number
  • Passenger capacity of the vehicle

Some examples of LGVs available at Edmund Vehicle Rental include the 10ft and 14ft lorries, cargo vans, and the 14-seater passenger van. All of which are suitable for use around the island to transport goods and ferry passengers.

Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs)

Unlike the previous two types of goods vehicles, heavy goods vehicles have a MLW of 3,501kg to 16,000kg. In terms of vehicle size, this is a much larger truck that requires proper driving skills and a specific license.

Like LGVs, HGVs can be identified via their vehicle registration number which begins with the Y prefix. Unfortunately, G and Y plate vehicles are not be permitted to enter Malaysia without a registered Malaysian business, insurance coverage, and approved inspections by the Malaysian authorities.

Having said that, HGVs can be customised according to different commercial needs. For instance, if you need to transport a large sofa or home appliance, you can opt for canopy truck rental services in Singapore as this will provide sufficient weather protection. You will also get to complete your relocation within a shorter timeframe.

In order to park a HGV with MLW over 5,000kg, you must have a valid Vehicle Parking Certificate (VPC) to park your truck at designated parking spaces, which are located away from residential areas.

Very Heavy Goods Vehicles (VHGVs)

VHGVs are vehicles with MLW of more than 16,000kg. They can be identified via their vehicle registration number which begins with the X prefix. Like HGVs, this sizable truck requires proper handling skills and a specific license.

As such, you must have a valid Vehicle Parking Certificate (VPC) to park your truck at designated parking spaces, which are located away from residential areas.

In addition, if your truck’s height exceeds 4.5 metres, you must apply for a police escort as well as for an oversized vehicle movement (OVM) permit based on the width of the vehicle and the roads you intend to travel on.

Some examples of VHGVs include recovery vehicles like tow trucks, cranes, tankers, mixers, prime movers, garbage or sanitary wagon, and container trucks.

Now that you’ve learned about the different types of lorries in Singapore along with their specific usage, you can check out some of the GPVs and LGVs available for rent at Edmund Vehicle Rental.

You can even choose between the two sizes of lorries available such as the 10ft or 14ft, with or without a canopy or box. For ease of driving, the lorries are either fitted with an automatic or manual transmission.

If you’re keen on renting a lorry from us, simply contact us at (65) 6250 3339 or email

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