5 Benefits to Renting a Car during the Pandemic

Car dealer hand with key. Auto dealership and rental concept background.

When the pandemic hit our shores in early 2020, many of us had to stay home and work remotely to keep everyone safe in an attempt to curb the spread. It still is the best way, coupled with good personal hygiene.

With more than a year into this pandemic, the situation in Singapore has become manageable and people are making peace with the new normal by wearing face masks, using hand sanitisers, maintaining physical distancing, etc.

All of these have taught us that regardless of the situation, we still need to travel to get from one place to another. Be it for a hospital appointment or business purposes. However, when most Singaporeans rely on public transportation to move about the island, how can you stay safe during your travels?

This is where short-term car rentals in Singapore come in – to provide you with the safest travel option around the island. Besides, with the amount of uncertainty as to when we can safely return to our normal life, many of us are more than willing to foot the extra cost in return for our safety. Below are some of the benefits to renting a car during this pandemic.

Minimise contact

Since you already know how the coronavirus is spread, which is through human contact, the best way to keep yourself safe is by reducing the number of people you come across during any of your travels. If you use public transport, there’s no way of knowing about the hygiene of other passengers and whether they are carriers.

Rather than putting yourself at risk of contracting COVID-19, renting a car with a trusted company like Edmund Vehicle Rental can automatically ensure your safety. You get to travel safely with your family while practising good personal hygiene. You also get to clean and disinfect your car after every use.

Comfort and peace

In normal circumstances, a packed train during peak hours means you can hop on without having to worry about your health. Besides, it’s completely normal because everyone is trying to get to their workplace or destination on time. But travelling on a packed train during this pandemic can cause everyone to have anxiety.

Instead of jeopardising your physical and mental comfort, a short-term car rental can offer you total peace of mind. You get to control the music, A/C temperature, etc. Besides, car rental companies are stepping up their cleaning programme to reassure customers like you that their cars are clean and virus-free.


Renting a car during this pandemic is much more budget-friendly than hiring a shared car or using public transport. This is because you get to choose from a range of car rentals available to suit your rental purpose. You also get to plan your travels without having to adapt your itinerary multiple times according to the train schedule.

In addition, you get to save on the money spent on train or bus rides around the island when you explore the city. This indirectly helps to optimise your time and money as you can visit any attraction site without any restrictions.


Uncertain times usually call for unprecedented measures. As our focus is currently on essential items like groceries, food, and pharmaceuticals, the need to buy a car has likely diminished given the current scenario. This brings availing a short-term car rental into the picture.

Besides, some car rental companies are offering insurance to provide people with the safest travel option. Make sure you look into the details before you rent the car. With a nominal cost of the rental which is free of maintenance and other additional expenses that come with a personal vehicle, renting a car has never been more convenient.

Contactless pick-up/return

Since the coronavirus is spread through human contact, car rental companies are leveraging cutting-edge technology like IoT to minimise contact between their employees and customers. This includes booking a car rental, handing over the car keys, and car rental inspection.

Rather than assigning a car rental agent to take care of your car rental booking, you might receive notifications from the company on the rental procedure and pick-up process of your car via the company’s dedicated rental application or email. That way, you can safely pick up or return your car rental without any concern.

Besides, car rental companies are adapting to suit the situation as more people are considering short-term car rentals in Singapore during this pandemic. Other than the high demand, you should also act responsibly and take all the necessary measures to ensure the safety of your journeys.

At Edmund Vehicle Rental, we provide short-term car rental services to help alleviate your transportation worries during this pandemic. If you’re keen on renting a car from us, simply contact us at (65) 6250 3339 or email enquiries@edmundvehiclerental.com.sg.

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